Project Description

Integrated Marketing

Integrated Marketing is the use of multiple marketing “tools” to create multiple “touch points” to a prospective customer through a variety of different media. It combines all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, social media, and more in order to act as one unified force. It is a comprehensive plan that takes into consideration the strategic roles of a variety of marketing and communication practices.

An integrated marketing campaign is best when promoting a single, consistent message utilizing a combination of the different vehicles a prospect regularly sees, such as websites, Google AdWords, Facebook, trade shows, print advertising, and more.

Because it takes between 7 and 8 “touches” for a potential to turn into a lead, it is key the message be the same throughout all marketing vehicles for faster company recognition and to avoid confusion. Providing the valued information that establishes credibility and trust is a slow process that is built deliberately through carefully planned and executed integrated marketing.

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